Where does one start. Superman has always been a favorite of mine. I grew up reading the comics and watching the cartoons on Saturday morning.

I loved the Richard Donner Superman movie although I didn't like any of the rest of that series.

I watched the premier when it was first shown and loved it immediately. I watched every episode for all of seasons 1 and 2. During S3 I was on a lot of business travel and couldn't watch as regularly. About the time of the clone/amnesia series, got so frustrated that I stopped making the effort to watch the show. I didn't even watch S4.

Last year I was looking around on NetFlix for something to watch and LNC popped up on one of my searches. I decided to try it and very quickly remembered how much I had loved the show. Thanks to the power of having all of the DVDs in hand, I was able to burn through the dreaded clone/amnesia section in one evening. I didn't even make it to S4 on NetFlix. By the time I reached the end of S3 I had purchased the entire DVD series to have at home.

So I guess the answer is that I fell for LNC twice. Once at the very beginning and once again (much worse the 2nd time smile ) in early 2008 thanks to DVDs.
