Well, that last post was demoralizing. You were in sixth grade? Time flies...

Well, I was in my late twenties and newly married when the show first came on. For some reason we knew we were going to miss the premiere, but my parents watched it, loved it, and taped it for us. My husband and I were both hooked from the first minute. We're really not TV watchers, so that was our ritual weekly show for the first three seasons (in the fourth season you never knew when the heck it was going to be on, so we kind of lapsed).

So, the moment. I loved it from Minute One, but I think the hook was when Clark said, "Got it. You like to be on top." Wow -- a re-imagined Clark Kent, with a spine! I loved that.

I became chronically ill a few years ago, and that was when someone bought me the DVD's, and also when I discovered the fanfic archive site. So I guess L&C and I are back together. Oh, and my husband and I are still together, too. smile

Peace, Carolyn