I knew I'd love it even before it started airing. I was so looking forward to it and was really p'ed off when I had to miss the start because of an accounting test. No wonder I hated that subject. razz

But my interest has been life-long. I have a memory of being about 5 and standing in the lounge doorway while my sister and her friend watched Superman on tv. I was too shy to go in and join them, but I’ve had a thing for it ever since. When I was 13ish and I’d sleep over at my best friend’s house, she’d ask what vid I wanted to watch and it was always Superman 2. I love the Lois flinging herself into Niagara Falls bit.

Hell, I even watched Superboy! blush blush

When Life Gives You Green Velvet Curtains, Make a Green Velvet Dress.