I actually didn't see the show until about a year ago when I was struggling to write an English paper that was due the next day. In my effort to delude myself into thinking that I wasn't so screwed, I stumbled across some of the episodes on VEOH. I tried to watch them in relatively chronological order, but there were only a few posted, so I watched GGGOH, then had to skip all the way to ATAI. After that, I was able to watch a handful of S3 and maybe less than half of S4. I think it was about 4am before I actually got around to working on my paper, and even then it was kind of like write a couple paragraphs, and watch an episode as a reward.

Anyway, I guess it was GGGOH that hooked me, because if I didn't like the epi, then I probably would've found another way to waste my time.

(If anyone is interested, I ended up getting an A- on the paper, and when I look back and read it, I still think it's not too bad)