Would it be improper to replace the vowel in those instances of the S word with an asterisk? Zoom's boards have a censor for language built in, so if I were describing Dean and Teri's conversation under the table in the dailies for AKAS, the censor would put asterisks in place of the entire word. To get around that, I write the words with asterisks in place of the vowels: Dean starts to raise up, bangs his head on the underside of the table, and mutters a surprised, "Sh*t." Then, he adds, "Oops. I guess I shouldn't have said that." Teri feeds him the line again; he starts to raise up, bangs his head on the underside of the table, and mutters a soft, "Oh."

It occurred to me that might be a way to bring existing stories on the archive in line with archive policy without forcing a re-write but still allowing readers to know exactly what the writer intended. But it's just a suggestion. Feel free to ignore it.

Sheila Harper
Hopeless fan of a timeless love story
