I would also like to throw in my two cents as an author, but first, I want to thank Labrat and the other GEs who work so hard to keep the Archive running. I know it can't be easy to coordinate so many stories, of varying lengths, topics and quality. You rock! And furthermore, I think the GEs put a lot of work into deciding what the rating should be on a story.

I write both nfic and gfic for this fandom, and I consider my audience when I am writing my stories. I know how far I can go with the gfic before it becomes inappropriate for the gfic side -- my litmus test is generally "can I read this on my work computer?" (also known as "would I have a stroke if my boss saw me reading this?) Honestly, when I set out to write a story, I think about the topic of the story and THEN decide which way to take it. Anything that is going to have a strong focus on sex, I would rather write as nfic and take my creative liberties up against a tree or something. wink

For example, "Sexy Little Things" had no sex, but it was about Clark buying Lois the black teddy, and there was enough innuendo and sensuality that I thought it was best posted in the nfic folder. In addition, I have been asked to write a gfic version of "Inside Out," but because I feel that the sex is such an intregal part of the plot -- especially the conference-room scene that ends up having deep ramifications for their relationship -- if I take it out, the story has lost its integrity.

However, "Rain" is on the regular Archive -- with a PG-13 rating. I rated it that way because of the subject matter, and my GE agreed. If I had added any form of sex to it, I would have posted it on the nfic side. It's as simple as that.

My point being that I think the stories on the regular Archive are the way they are because the authors choose to write them to that audience. They know what lines they can cross -- hence why there are several stories that have both a gfic and an nfic version. The best authors know exactly how far they can take it without fear of reprisal.

I figure if people want to read stories with actual sex scenes in them, they can read them on the nfic archive -- which is password protected. I have no problem with nfic (clearly), but I can see how it would be pretty unfair to blindside people with it on the regular archive -- with no password or warning. I think it's a specialized form of fic. PG-13, on the other hand, is stepping up to the line, taking a good look, but not crossing the threshold, and I think that is the right "tone" for the general archive. After all, L&C was a show that had innuendo and implied things to a certain degree, but at the end of the day, was still a family show. And I feel the Archive should be a representation of that.

Clark: "You don't even know the meaning of the word 'humility,' do you?"

Lois: "Never had a need to find out its meaning."

"Curiosity... The Continuing Saga"