My two cents as a reader: I appreciate that both the archive and this forum are PG-13. IMO, the original show was PG (not even -13), therefore the PG-13 rating to the archive still maintains the integrity of the show.

I also feel there is nothing wrong with n-fic, but have absolutely no desire to read it. I'm glad I have the option of reading fanfic without stumbling across anything that doesn't appeal to me.

One thing that bothers me, though, is the idea that all n-fic is about sex. While our n-fic archive may be predominantly about sex, it doesn't have to be. There are certain things that are n-fic that have nothing to do with sex since there are other kinds of graphic material that don't belong on a PG13 board for good reason.

Part of the reason that it bothers me to say that the n-fic boards only exist for sexual expression is because of the mischaracterization that people that don't read n-fic are anti-sex or judgmental. IMO you may read whatever you want to, but I would prefer to have the option to read only what I want to. Stories can't be unread, so it is better that they are properly labeled and stored in their appropriate archives.

I also don't believe that the archive has shifted in its standards. There have always been two archives. I hope that standard remains, because it works well for this fandom.
