This is an interesting topic.

Karen suggested fics about drug use might be ones that are n-fic, but I don't think that's been the case. There are several fics dealing with substance abuse in the archive - Yvonne Connell's alt story about a Clark Kent who "does" red -K, for example.

The archive no-swearing rule seems to be one that has been inconsistently applied over the years. I had wanted to end a story with Clark saying to Lois, "F... you, Lois Lane" but was told I couldn't use that word in g-fic. On the other hand, a story, by another author, with many uses of the banned word was posted a bit later ( a year?)both on the mbs and on the archive. So, who knows how it goes, is my point I guess smile Take a chance and see what happens.

I always get a kick about people talking about nfic as having more adult themes - define "adult" laugh

(btw, I want to add that it was not my excellent and long-suffering GE who censored the line.)
