This thing about nfic for stories that aren't about sex but have adult it just the graphic-ness of the scenes, or something else we're talking about?

My story Veritas for example, while not dealing much with sexual matters, does have adult themes about liberty, security, politics and fear. At times it deals with real disasters that have happened in recent months. At times this has sparked some pretty lively debates.

At what point does that kind of a story become TOO adult?

I understand that a story about the aftermath of a rape or some horrendous trauma might make the nfic boards, but what about a story dealing with an unwanted preganacy, or adults taking advantage of children, or the effects of war or the children of an occupation? What about stories about terrorism or hatred or, well, any number of things?

I've written stories about all of these things and never had any problems from anyone.

What is it that makes a non-sexual story n-fic worthy? Is it the offensiveness of individual scenes? Is it the sheer amount of emotional pain the characters suffer?

Is it the idea, or how graphically it is displayed?

Does it take one scene that makes your guts churn to make a whole story an nfic? Or is it a conglomeration of less vivid scenes that work together to create an unsettling overall picture?

(I'm an infrequent reader of nfic, so I really don't know.)

I have a feeling that there is some sort of general consensus among folcs...a sort of community standards thing.

It'd be interesting to know just where people see that line as being, though. wink