For myself, I haven't noticed any change in the Archive's standards, and I've been reading since 1999. As you know, I don't write nfic, although I don't mind reading it if it is done tastefully.

The thing is, we *have* an nfic archive. Why should we change the regular Archive, which is a safe place for those who don't wish to read nfic, when we already have a place to put the more racy stuff? There's no rule that says an author can't write an nfic version of her story for those who prefer a slightly more graphic story.

In any case, I think Labby does a fine job as our EIC, and I don't see any need for her to change the standards. Face it, everyone's standards are slightly different. If she changed them every time somebody requested it, the situation would be chaos in no time.


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.