Is Superman REALLY a good guy ? Does he stand for Truth,Justice and American Way ?

Consider that original Golden Age Superman was anarchist.

DC Archives Superman Action Comics (vol. 1) and in the introduction, Mark Waid talks about how Superman started out as "a super-anarchist" who "made his own law and enforced it with his fists" - Superman finds a crooked mine owner and forces him to suffer the same dangers as his overworked miners, or he gives a wife-beater a taste of his own medicine. The police shoot at him when he snatches a young culprit away from them, and he intimidates his human foes in order to get his way.
Then publishers changed Superman.

Mark Waid credits America's entry into the Second World War as a primary reason why Superman's character changed.

The U.S. was forced to focus on an enemy "that epitomized all the injustice against which Superman had previously crusaded" and that this "more than anything, sapped Superman's power." Waid notes that "the Nazi regime ws a tailor-made opponent for their Man of Tomorrow, but it was the one threat they could never allow Superman to face, not without trivializing the very real sacrifices of G.I.'s worldwide."
Whereas Superman supposedly stands for Truth and Justice; he is actually about populism, mainstream values and non-offensiveness.He can´t be pro-life or pro-choice, not pro-immigration or anti-immigration, not gun control or gun rights,etc. for if Superman ever supported or opposed any such purpose lots of readers would be alienated.

Superman is essentially a character who say to everyone "I accept everyone, I don´t judge you" and then his supporters say "we accept you too".

There was Superman Returns review which stated that main difference between Superman and other heroes was not greater power or ideals but ability to fly.Then every kid could wrap a piece of cloth around his shoulders,pretend it´s a cape and run across his family´s living room shouting "I´m Superman,I am flying"

Who many people would like a character who constantly accuses majority of people of being wrong ?

Face facts, you think Clark is good because he is non-offensive.I suppose that if his rocket landed into Nazi Germany, Clark would be a Nazi."Can´t condemn the, they would hate me and I would alone"

This was not goodness, it was craving for approval.That why mainstream Superman restrains himself; to avoid disapproval from people.

I prefer Captain America`s non-appeasement:

Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. This nation was founded on one principle above all else: the requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world - "No, you move."
Publishers should bring original Superman back;"I am here to fight for oppressed,if I will be hated for that,so be it"