What about kids who are raised by the same parents but who turn out to be quite different form each other with respect to characteristics like altruism, honesty, or even sense of humour, optimism vs pessimism or other traits?
I thought of mentioning that, and I really should have. My elder brother and I have a completely different set of values, but we also had different environments for about 4 years in our early teens. But I think even without that, it wouldn't have changed much.

But I still think upbringing plays a large part. But that's just me. laugh

At what point has he become a completely different character? Maybe Batman or Spawn or even Smallville Clark Kent or Lord Nor?

Maybe to put it another way is to ask: What *is* it that defines Clark Kent/Superman - his personality traits or his name and physical appearance and super powers?
That's a good question. I think all of it as a whole makes up Clark Kent. But you can change small things, name, profession, etc, and still have Clark Kent. But if you change too much, he becomes a completely different character. That's what fascinates me about so many of the Elseworld fics we've seen over the years. Just how far can you push the boundaries and definitions of the character without making him a completely different person.

I think that's the reason why we have so many problems defining what's based on L&C and what's not. The definition is different for everyone. We all see the same core, but it's those attributes at the boundaries that everyone starts disagreeing on.

Of course, not only do we slightly change the definition of the character, but then we start putting him into situations that push the boundaries even further. Throw him into situations that can make or break the character. It's something that's shown in movies all of the time. Good character goes about doing his normal good routine, bad things happen, and force the good character to do bad things. How much will that change the character, and what are the repercussions of the aftermath? We can hope that the good character comes out almost completely unscathed and becomes a bigger and better person, but that doesn't always happen.

Of course, it's also fanfiction, and a lot of people prefer the happy endings. So of course they should become that bigger and better person! wink

"You need me. You wouldn't be much of a hero without a villain. And you do love being the hero, don't you. The cheering children, the swooning women, you love it so much, it's made you my most reliable accomplice." -- Lex Luthor to Superman, Question Authority, Justice League Unlimited