Ann said:
Most of you may be aware that I hate the movie Superman II, because I thought that Superman behaved so nefariously toward Lois in it. He accidentally revealed his double identity to her, and then he quickly shed his superpowers so that he could make love to her. But when he found that he had to have his superpowers back, he erased Lois's memory with a super-kiss, so that she would be clueless about what had transpired between them, and so that she would be as ignorant of his double identity as she had been before.
etc etc.

But... these boards are for the TV series Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. Not the movie incarnations. If people would like to discuss the movie versions of Clark/Superman, or to compare the portrayal of Clark therein as opposed to Clark in the TV series, then you're very, very welcome to do so in the OT folder (in the first case) or the L&C folder (in the case of comparisons). I'm sure a discussion of comparisons between genres would be really interesting.

If what you'd like to discuss, Ann - and I'm sorry that I'm not really clear from your rather long post - is how fanfic writers portray the Clark from the TV series in fic based on that series, then that's a perfectly acceptable - and, in fact, fascinating wink - topic for this folder.

I just wanted to remind everyone, though, that we're not a Superman - the Movie forum. smile And, of course, is it really fair to blame 'our' Clark for the failings of a Clark in a completely different incarnation? goofy Just as the Clark in Smallville is clearly not 'our' Clark, neither is the movie Clark.

Wendy smile
Boards Admin Team

Just a fly-by! *waves*