But if by the end, the author appears to be still okay with Clark Kent as , say a rapist, to use a different example, than I'm less sure. To imply nothing is to condone.
The problem is that once again there is this underlying assumption that everyone is on the same page about it (that we all read there's no implication of any consequences) and that it's somehow all on the author's court. You're taking the author to task on your reading of it. That in itself should call for greater care when giving fdk, especially negative fdk.

Saying, "I feel that in the text there wasn't as much emphasis on the consequences of X as I would have hoped" is one thing.

Saying, "Your story is against everything canon stands for and is morally attrocious/suspect," is just tremendously strong for something that is, in the end, a subjective reading.

Obviously, I give writers the benefit of the doubt, especially in a fandom like this where the status quo (being 'good') is so passionately defended. I doubt that there are many fics that tread the morally ambiguous line so blatantly. Even Laura's vampire fic (that brought up this notion of being "bad") is all about how Clark is desperately trying to be "good." I'm afraid any fic with Clark being *blatantly* (as in by consensus most of us are taken back) "evil" without a good reason would have a hard time here. Issues of characterization and all...

But, hey, I'll take any recs of fics where Lois caves in to "Evil" Clark. Points if she offs him and takes his place.

rotflol )

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan