Hence my use of the word vacuum. And so any comment on a vacuum can't be negative by definition.
The practicality behind this eludes me. It presupposes that any author whose writing had no discernable moral push (to a reader) cannot recieve "negative feedback."


Ok. I'll leave that one there. I think we're definitely speaking in different languages.

But this is Clark Kent/Superman, as opposed to L'Etranger, for example, that we're talking about here - and that imposes a constraint I think.

But I suspect you disagree with that, which is okay, too.
Exactly. I don't believe in constraints _especially_ in 'folk' creativity--precisely because we're not dealing with stuff like L'Etranger (which actively demands a certain interpretive push). THAT is really an entirely different thing, regardless of what might seem at first blush in my argument.

Ultimately, I believe interpretive communities (like this one) make their own rules by consensus (organically), so that there isn't a need to impose constraints outside of those of the participant's collectivity (other than the minimum for order by the mods). The community itself moves happily in whatever way it will, regardless of individuals (though these are the building blocks and we all put in a piece).

I'm not sure you see it quite like that, but to each his own.


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan