i had no say in them, and as they do not post on this forum, I object to anyone commenting on this forum.... you have your opinions, I have mine, and they have theirs, but this is not the place to discuss them... Comprende???
Um...sorry, beethoven, but if you put your opinion onto a public forum, then you have to accept that it will be commented on, disagreed with (or agreed with laugh ), dissected, debated and probably a whole lot of other D words. wink

You can politely request that the other members of the forum impose a self-regulated embargo on such and such a topic, out of courtesy for your feelings, but you have no right to ban discussion on any topic. And if other members don't feel inclined to grant your request and want to discuss it anyway, that's their prerogative.

Basic rule - you don't want it discussed? Don't open up the subject. wink This forum is the place to discuss anything posted here as it is an opinion/discussion forum.

Having said that, you seem to be expecting some scorn to be poured on/attack to be made on your parents' views and the Billings method and are making an attempt to pre-empt that. I would be mighty surprised if that was the response you got from the members of this forum. Honest, courteous, intelligent discussion/debate, yes. But impoliteness?...Doubtful. smile And so long as the topic is treated with courtesy and politeness, it's up for discussion like any other subject or opinion posted here.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers