Well that is true Scientifically
But they are not mutually exclusive *theories* (ID and evollution)

ID just states that there was a guiding force behind evolution (as far as this is the Vatican's Endorced theory behind Evolution... I have been told (heresay I know, but reputable sources) that the Vatican officially states that evolution may have been the driving force behind the Creation of Man, in so far as Genesis was never meant to be an accurate account of the creation timeline/sequence...)

At this point (as a scientist myself) I do not beleive that there is anything science can produce that will be able to disprove religion entirely. So there is no reason why I cannot beleive even a "random" process like evolution can be a part of God's will. By finding quantum particles (sub atomic, smaller than protons and electrons etc.) we have not proved what caused the particles to be created...

Although this has not prevented me from having to sit through "Science" lectures in psychology, being "taught" (and later examined on) the "Scientific explanation behind the "Human invention" of Religion".... something to do with the how human mind "INVENTED" the idea of an afterlfe in order to reduce the enoumous grief and dispair (even trauma) when a loved one dies...not something really appropriate for a science course...It is totally and utterly an unprovable statement to make with regards to the scientific theory etc.......
As it was the sydney uni psychology department, I was (of course)unsuccessful in my attempts to argue against this, only because they never accept any criticism...

really off topic there
but back to "the cabbage patch kids" (a book by Paul Jennings, a really good Ausie Children's fiction writer, but Ive never read that one)...

I am 3rd out of 9 children (6 boys, and including me 3 girls... before you ask, yes the same parents)
So I guess I always knew about babies "coming from mummy's tummy"...
at first i thought "how gross, all that yucky vommit in the tummy, poor baby... swimming in vommit"
dont remember when I was first told, but it would be in that glorious period of Infantile amnesia (before the age of 4)

after that, my private catholic school, expected the parents to elaborate, and we were first told of the bennefits of Natural Family Planning The Billings Method, this uses basically the womans own cycle, and teaching envolves descriptions of various female secretions at various points in the cycle...
we were taught this at the ge of 15-16 (Yr 11)]
and it was expected we knew everything else... which most of us did, as the school gave parental classes into how to explain these issues to us...

compare this to a 2 yr old i nanny part time (dont know the verb for Nanny... any suggestions)
this year at the age of 2 and 1/2, i took him to the circus one day...
the next week we were painting clowns... as an educational thing
we did arms, legs, head... all with shape stamps and paint brushes...
then the boy starts drawing a third leg...

NICKY (not real name) I say
we only need 2 legs...

No,No,No, Helenaaaa (he says)
this is clown's Penis... (like gee you are so stupid not to know that...

Oh my!!!... silence...
Oh Nicky, we cant see any penis... the clown is wearing Pants... see... Safe, i think

BUt Helena, It's a boy clown... boys have a penis... girls (like mummy) have ginas, ginas are where babies come from... the daddy puts penis in gina, and makes a baby in mummy's tummy

I told the parents later, emphasising i did not teach him this, and there were no Penises at the circus...
They said they know, he is just curious.... and they taught it to him after he watched Dumbo and asked where did babies come from...

PS> Please no comments about the effectiveness of Billings, and the choices my parents made... I am me, they are them, I love my life, and I love my siblings just like you do... we all have our differences, but we are also our own best friends... I cannot even begin to contemplate which of my siblings I will choose between who to kill off..... my parents made their decisions for their own reasons... i had no say in them, and as they do not post on this forum, I object to anyone commenting on this forum.... you have your opinions, I have mine, and they have theirs, but this is not the place to discuss them... Comprende???

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