You guys wouldn't believe the recent conversation that Olympe and I had about this subject. Most of was... well, I'm a nurse and I think it was a little too medically graphic to put on the PG side of things...

But I've got to say that Olympe told me about a myth I'd never heard that says CocaCola prevents pregnancy (and I don't mean drinking it). That one had me lying in the floor laughing.

Well, we had to watch an eductional movie in fourth grade where a woman givs birth, shown with all the gorey details.
Oh, my gadfries... You're kidding. It might have been a little less traumatic to see puppies being born....

I think I always knew about babies being in a mommy's tummy, too. (I just didn't know how they got there.) But then I was always curious about all things about the human body.

The birds and the bees - or the flowers and the bees - speaks of pollination of flowers by bees (and birds). Thus it has become a more general term for procreation.

I remember hearing people mention 'The Pumpkin Patch'.

When I first became a nurse (27 years ago), it was a different time. At that time (and again later), I worked in obstetrics. I had one girl tell me, "I still don't understand how I could be having a baby. I didn't eat any watermelon. I hate watermelon." She truly did not understand what she had done that caused her pregnancy until I patiently explained it to her. She was in shock. That's just one of the things that I heard...

Here's one I just dreamed up: Superman brings babies to folks.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~