You've got a lot of faith in science, Paul Not blind faith, of course, but then neither is mine.
Well said, Pam. My faith is also not blind.

When two people disagree, at *least* one of them is wrong ( quite possibly they both are )
You got that right… They are probably both wrong.

Many years ago, a brilliant scientist (in Australia, I believe) said that all stomach ulcers were caused by bacteria. He was almost laughed out of the profession because it was thought that there was no way bacteria could live in the hydrochloric acid. Guess what? He was later proven right… and wrong. Many are caused by bacteria… Some are not.

Pam, everything you said was well said.

Could we please stop talking about ID and evolution? I'm afraid I'll post something that will set off a flame war (this is a really, really sore point with me) and I just don't want to go there. It's a debate that can't be "won" as I've learned in the past, so there's no point in starting it. Besides, it's off topic anyway
I agree. It’s a war that can’t be won. It’s akin to democrats and republicans getting together and arguing politics. I’ll say nothing more about it.

Oh, the things I'm learning here today! . I want to go to a sex education class taught by you guys
Okay, MLT. How about this: A couple of folks mentioned virgin births… Well it can happen (and I’m not talking Mary or artificial insemination). You can get pregnant without having sexual intercourse (vaginal). If a guy does his thing on your leg, on your belly, or on the floor for that matter, if you are close enough to the semen, those little fellas can SWIM!! Sometimes those little fellas can slip out in pre-ejaculate fluid, too, before the guy even does his thing…

Here’s another myth… Breastfeeding one baby prevents you getting pregnant with another. (It helps, but it won’t outright prevent it.)

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~