My pleasure, C_A.

I firmly believe in every person's right to their own beliefs. There are plenty of respectable scientists who are people of faith. But faith, by its very nature, is not science.

BTW, love the avatar. laugh

Back to the subject at hand... Maybe it's not eBay. Maybe it's eBaby...

Actually, that reminds me of something else. A bit from an ep of " Perfect Strangers ."

Balky comes home from shopping, all excited about his new discovery. Went something like this...

"First I found drink powder. You just add water, and you get a fruit drink! Then I found soap powder. You just add water, and you get soap! But, today... Oh, cousin... I found the most amazing thing!"

*Balky holds up a bottle of baby powder*

"I love this country!!"

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.