I remember when watching Lucky Leon the first time in 1995, I caught the reference to The Mask from this episode...And the funny thing is, I don't think I had seen the movie at the time--probably enough talk about it though that I was able to pick it up? Anyway, have always enjoyed that part of the episode when they are both getting ready for an evening together.

LL definitely has somewhat of a weak A-plot, but for me anyway, the more I see any episode of the show, the more I tend to love all of it...there's something fun about the growing familiarity of any scene from the show--the more familiar the better--even the weaker, villian-type parts. I love it when lines from the show become second-nature--when you sit there and can just mouth along...it's fun, and comforting (in a strange, sort of way confused )...BATP, HOL, WWW, ATAI--all eps that have been watched (and watched.....and watched) blush ...among many others.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~