What happened to Cat?
Irene Dutch gave us what might have happened in her fic, In Cat\'s Corner . I'll just say that Cat finds true love (awww.)

How much time (years) did Clark actually loose in BY? He gave some of his 'time' to Jimmy, but we don't know how his life span will compare to Lois'...Always walk away from that ep thinking "Hmmmm?"
Actually, Nan Smith addressed this topic in her "Home" series . I forget which fic it's in, so you'll just have to read the whole lot!

How did the people of Smallville not know that Kal-El / Superman wasn't their native son, Clark Kent?
Shayne Terry answered this question in his hilarious mini-fic, Gossip . Remember, it doesn't cost anything to be nice! laugh

What happened the first time Lois and Clark went up against Bad Brain Johnson? It was only mentioned that they caught him, but we never saw it happen.
Sue S. did a fantastic story about this - Faustian Bargain . Don't miss it. The nfic version is better and it's hot hot hot!

What happens to the baby after the final episode? (An earlier question dealt with the baby's history, but not with its future.)
Why don't you read Yvonne Connell's Kidnapped ? A great fic, telling us where the baby came from and also what came next.

The people of New Krypton--did Zara and Ching marry and have an heir? How are they all doing and what ended up happening on their planet after their ship left earth?
Go ahead and read Dandello's Plane Storm and you'll find out. It's a fine LnC/Superman Returns crossover fic and very well done.

Just how exactly does Utopia come to existence? We know it is based on L&C getting married--and there's a statue of them, etc--but how do we get from their wedding, to their decedents, and then a world of Utopia? I would like some details, please...
Well, CC Aiken's In A Better Place doesn't tell us the nitty gritty of how Utopia came into existence, but a lot of the story does happen in that so-called Utopia. And it's quite a good story.

but really, how does Alt. Clark function in his Alt. world? I mean, till he finds his Lois (hopefully [Grovel] ) he is alone, w/o parents, in a world that knows all about his secret. Even the Planet is different--with Jimmy owning it, and Perry is busy as Mayor.
This all combines to make one lonely, very publicly-known superhero...What is his life really like?
I found Yvonne Connell's Addicted to be a hard-hitting and awesome exploration of this very thing. How does alt-Clark live in a world without Lois? The answer... not very well. Don't miss this one. Another fic where the nfic version (in my opinion) is better. Also, it has a sequel, Damaged .

Speaking of superhero costumes, what did Lois ever do with Ultra Woman's?
I wish I could remember the name of the fic where Lois (or is it Clark?) is cleaning out the attic and finds the old costume there, packed away.