I would love to know the logistics of these quick changes--and not to be picky, but how does nothing ever wrinkle in this process?
Didn't you know? Keeping clothes unwrinkled is one of Clark's powers. wink

I wonder not only about where Clark keeps his other clothes, but also the logic behind the spin-change. Yes, it's neat to watch (and that, I am sure, is at least part of the RL explanation for it), but how does spinning actually help him change? I would think it would be a lot harder to change while imitating a top than it even would be to change in a phone booth. (And this is fodder for another folder, but I've often wondered where that phone booth thing came from, since he used such a locale EXTREMELY rarely either in his early years -- i.e., 1930s and 1940s -- or over the course of his 75 year history.)
