A few more dangling loose ends to tie up...

53. Does Diana Stride (TC) ever leak the 'Clark Kent is Superman' info out? She was exposed as a hoax in the episode, but she really does know the secret--isn't she just dying to tell someone the news?!? (and somehow figure out a way to prove it all)

54. We covered how we need clarification on how 'making love while floating' works, but that brings up another question: Clark has previously 'sleep floated'--does that stop once Lois is sleeping in the same bed as him? Or does Lois ever end up waking up during the night to find her husband has floated away? smile

55. Super Hero Costume Clarification?--How exactly does the 'spin thing' work (meaning specifically, just where do the clothes that aren't being worn go, and then how exactly are they recalled, when needed, into the next spin change)? dizzy

-As Clark, Superman's suit is sometimes under his clothing (or I suppose could fit into a large pocket--spandex isn't too bulky, I guess confused ). But a cape? And really--there is no way those red boots are just balled up into his suit jacket pocket, etc huh
-potentially a coat--Metropolis does see some snowy weather--and that can't stop a Superman rescue smile
-suit jacket
-button down shirt
-loud tie
-undergarments blush
-and yet another pair of awkward-to-hide shoes wink

I would love to know the logistics of these quick changes--and not to be picky, but how does nothing ever wrinkle in this process? Amazing! laugh

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~