A shock wave of recognition went through Lois. For everything the movie had got wrong - and basically the entire movie was one big lie - there was truth in that moment. Even the terrible acting couldn't hide the fact that Linda had gotten it right. That gesture was exactly - exactly - the way Superman had checked on Lois after more than one rescue. Those had been private moments, an intimacy she thought she had shared only with Superman. All this time she had believed she was special to him, at least in those moments. That scene was evidence that Superman had done the same thing to Linda.
Poor Lois, what a horrible feeling.

The nerve of that woman! She had been giving air kisses to everyone else. It was like she had been saving that mark of ownership solely for Clark. And he had simply stood there like a dope and let Linda kiss him. He could have leaned away, but no…
I love that Lois gets so worked up that she includes Clark's behavior towards Linda while on assignment as part of the betrayal. And then that she takes it to this level of irrationality. Hee!

Just like Clark…
And just like that!

He hadn't gone anywhere. He'd known she was upset and he had stuck around because that's what a friend did.
In the face of such a huge discovery, I like that she processes this so early on. I adore reading Lois' thoughts throughout this entire scene with Superman, especially once the kissing starts. smile

For half a second she thought about asking him what his real name was. Then she realized that might be too much, too soon. She'd already got the truth about Linda out of him. This might be the perfect time to get the truth about herself. "Do you love me?"
Good choice.

Lois felt almost faint. She had to give him credit. Clark had never used Superman to seduce her - and there had been many occasions when he absolutely could have. It was time to come clean. "What if I already know the whole truth?"

"That's why it's a good thing this isn't a movie." Lois could feel his smile on her skin. "Because I like to think there will definitely be more than one perfect night."

Perfect companion piece. Great work, Sue!