Good morning! smile

Virginia - Wow! dance Seriously, thank you! I'll try to answer some of the questions you posed -- starting with the "perfection" ending. I was saddened to see that you took both of them literally. I swear to you that Clark was teasing her. That's why Lois answers with a giggle. If he'd been serious, she would have been a lot more reassuring. wink I'll change it so that he says it in a teasing tone, just to avoid others reading it the same way. blush
he's being forced to watch a movie which makes his alter-ego look like an idiot. Ooooh. I just want to give the poor man a hug. He's probably wondering if that's how everyone perceives Superman. Poor, poor Clark.
Nah, it didn't bother him at all. To wit: That [the movie] was pure fiction, just like the kiss between the painfully wooden actors playing Linda and Superman. He was almost insulted, but the situation was so far from any kind of reality that he very much doubted anyone could believe it had actually happened. That pretty much sums up how he feels about the whole movie. I had that in the original version, but it took it out because I was basically repeating myself. I'll try to shade it so that it's more obvious he's referencing the entire movie and not just the "love scene". wink
Actually, doesn't Superman cup Lois' cheek without kissing her before she grabs him and kisses him before he flies off during ASU? Maybe THAT's where the director picked it up, just adding the kiss. And the words, what else would he say?
My thought process exactly! But this is Lois, and she's not thinking clearly in this situation.

Mrs. Luthor - Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!

Artemis - It was a very fine line to walk, having Lois figure it out without getting angry. Knowing that she knew something Linda would never figure out sure softened the blow for her. Clark came clean because there was no reason to be insecure. wink

Happy Girl - Thank you! Nice to see you drop by!

Pat - You thought that was steamy? Heh. I actually think the first story is more steamy, but maybe that's because I still have the parts that got cut living in my head. I wasn't sure if having Clark notice Lois' breasts heaving in that tight gown crossed at PG13 line or not, so I cut that. If you read it again, it was right when he gets all up close and personal and tells her that maybe she is his secret girlfriend. I won't be continuing this one, though. I'm supposed to be working on something else. The response to the first one was so overwhelming that I couldn't say no (and there was more to say).

Laura - You're certainly welcome! Thanks for always having my back!

Caincrazy - I'm delighted that you liked both stories. Thank you!

Sydney - Thanks! blush Yes, all my stories come with a money-back guarantee. :p

Lola - 2006? Ah, good times. <gets a little misty eyed>

Andreia - Sadly, there will not be an nfic continuation. I'm working on another story and all my dirty thoughts have to go towards that one instead.

My heartfelt thanks to everyone who nudges me along and keeps me writing. You guys are the best of the best! sloppy

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis