Mouse - Having Lois mess with Clark when she knows his secret is one of my favorite things. Any time I get a chance for her to get a little bit of payback, I take it. wink Thanks!

Michael - This is a double-edged sword. I love the long FDK, but it makes me sad to think you're so busy replying to all these stories that you aren't working on your own. frown There has to be a happy medium somewhere.
I *know*. People keep telling me I'm bad for their hardware. Would even put a general warning into the siggy. But when you reach the siggy, you've already managed to neither choke on your beverage nor use it to short out your keyboard, monitor, or laptop in general so it kind of defeats the purpose.
I'm pretty sure that everyone else is like me - as soon as I see your name, it's like the plane is about to land. I dispose of all beverages and snacks, make sure my seat is in the upright and locked position and that my seatbelt is low and snug across my lap. thumbsup
Funny, how you where thinking her nightgown from BatP/HoL (argh, which is it?). Anyhow, actually, was going for silken veils since that's her favorite show-up-and-surprise-Clark outfit, while the nightgown is for Superman to show up on an arranged stay-in-date.
Well, sure! That's because you said "blue silk", not "blue chiffon". wink I'm pretty sure the blue nightgown was in BatP since she wouldn't answer Lex until she knew what Superman wanted.
True. So very true. And I'll just say I was thinking the very same thing while reading. There's at least a 33.3333333333333% chance that that's true.
Wow - only a one in three chance that you're telling the truth? <sigh> Men. :rolleyes:
His heart would stall? Doesn't that qualify?
Yes, I suppose it does. laugh
You're welcome. Tuesday references really are a cue-card for me. /blames Joss Whedon/
Aha! I've only seen maybe two episodes of Buffy, but I do adore me some Firefly and Dr. Horrible.
You quote enough, there's a reasonable probability to hit it?
dizzy peep

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis