Ah, there you are! I've been looking forward to reading over your shoulder!
Yeah blush I only can do about one such FDK per day on average so I have to make sure I keep up with serialized stories, then come the vignettes blush Stupid RL. And good thing I don't have enough brain for writing ATM.

I got lucky and Virginia suggested a perfect title. Feel free to use it.
smile I already made a note in my ideas file.

Bwaaa! It's a darn good thing I wasn't drinking anything at the time.
I *know*. People keep telling me I'm bad for their hardware. Would even put a general warning into the siggy. But when you reach the siggy, you've already managed to neither choke on your beverage nor use it to short out your keyboard, monitor, or laptop in general so it kind of defeats the purpose.

I'm not going to quote the whole thing back to you, but I laughed until it hurt at the succession of quips
Glad you got a few laughs out of it. Funny, how you where thinking her nightgown from BatP/HoL (argh, which is it?). Anyhow, actually, was going for silken veils since that's her favorite show-up-and-surprise-Clark outfit, while the nightgown is for Superman to show up on an arranged stay-in-date.

Maybe that's why she doesn't outright ask him if he's ever kissed Linda when he first shows up - she's afraid of what his answer will be?
True. So very true. And I'll just say I was thinking the very same thing while reading. There's at least a 33.3333333333333% chance that that's true.

quote: Drop dress strap?

HA! I said stall him, not kill him!
His heart would stall? Doesn't that qualify?

Also, thank you for clapping at one my favorite lines from the story - that Linda lies just because it's a Tuesday.
You're welcome. Tuesday references really are a cue-card for me. /blames Joss Whedon/

My absolute favorite line has not been quoted back to me yet (and I was almost positive you'd spot it).
You quote enough, there's a reasonable probability to hit it? wink
And blush wave Michael

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