Oh so very true, Sue. But I guess that's always the problem with time travel. What's your point of reference? For instance, think what could happen if Wells got them together in college, before Lois got burned by Paul. They could already be together happily ever after.

Only there is one small issue there. What about the rest of the world. How many children will not be born because of the changes. Sure, they probably get replaced by different ones, But just the fact that Mayson stays alive can mean that one family won't find each other and Mayson will have the kids instead. And what about NK? Will it mean civil war and tons of deaths?

Which basically is the problem. You change the past, you change people's lives in the future. And the only consolation you have is your point of reference. LnC will still be there. Utopia can happen. But not everybody will come out ahead huh

Not that I'm saying 'don't snip the timeline', just saying, maybe the future shown in S3 and s4 was the twisted timeline that had to be rectified huh

So, part 10? Still waiting grovel


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