Ehhrrrmmm. Sue, do you know that I always hated Star Wars? And do you know why? It was because Darth Vader blew up Princess Leia's planet - her PLANET!!!!!!!! - and everybody, not least Leia herself, acted as if it was not that big a deal. After I had seen that movie, I walked out of the movie theater and looked around. What if someone had blown up my planet just so that they could have a bit of an adventure? I mean, imagine what would be gone. The Statue of Liberty - check. Yellowstone - check. The Grand Canyon - check. Hawaii - check. Ankor Wat - check. Slottsparken here in Malmö, which looks so absolutely lovely in spring - check. My favorite ice cream bar here in Malmö, and everybody else's favorite ice cream bar in whatever country they live in - check. All the puppies and kittens in the world - check. Little kiddies playing with kites like Charlie Brown and the boys in "The Kite Runner" - check. The blue sky and the blue seas and all the sailing boats sailing the seven seas and all the little fishies swimming in them, and the Great Barrier Reef - my goodness, when you start thinking of all that would be lost if your planet was lost, your head starts spinning, doesn't it?

And you, Sue, you are about to erase an entire timeline? Ummm. That means, if I get you correctly, that you are going to erase, wipe out, implode not only the Earth of that timeline, not just everything and everyone that exists on that Earth, but in fact the universe belonging to that timeline, too. Sue, I believe you are about to commit timeline-specific spacetime-cide, and I take exception to that, being an astronomy fan.

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Don't kill the universe! razz

Ah well. I guess that all those people who loved Star Wars thought that the loss of Princess Leia's planet was worth it. And, I guess, what is the loss of one timeline-specific universe if the sacrificing of it leads to the creation in another universe of Utopia? Better to have one utopic universe than two mediocre ones, right? Particularly if the two are really one, so that the killing of one is naught but the killing of the potential of a mediocre universe to remain mediocre. In other words, the wiping-out a universe basically doesn't happen. Though I have to wonder... where do you get the energy to create the universe which you are wipe out down to the last molecule, electron, quark and string?

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