Ah, I get it, Sue! You are committing plot-twist-cide instead of timeline-specific universe-cide. That's reassuring, not least because your energy budget can be so much smaller when you are doing away with plot twists rather than creating a whole new universe, juggling two universes for a while and then destroying the universe that has gone plot-twist-bad!

(I guess I read this part the way I did because I've never gotten over a book I read at least twenty years ago where some scientists try to save a dying Earth by sending a message to the past, pleading with the people of the past to make certain changes in their behavior and decisions. The message reaches its intended addressees who wisely change their behaviour and save themselves, but this does not bring salvation to the poor future-fellas who sent the desperate message to the past. Instead the entire universe clones itself and branches into two, so that there are now two timelines where there used to be one, and indeed two universes where there used to be one. By sending that message into the past and having it received the scientists did not save their own timeline, but they did create a entirely new timeline with a fringe benefit extra universe in tow, where everyone belonging to that universe really was saved!!!) dizzy

[Linked Image]

Two universes for the price of one? Where do you get the energy to create a whole new extra universe? dizzy

I'm glad you are more energy conservative, Sue, so that you didn't create an extra universe just to be able to destroy the faulty one when you were done. But I, too, certainly look forward to a slightly made-over LnC universe where Lois didn't accept Lex's proposal! wallbash Where Clark didn't break up with Lois for her own good! wallbash Where Clark didn't choose Zara over Lois, however temporarily, just so that he could have his family jewels scrambled! wallbash Where Lois didn't get herself replaced by a clone just as Clark was marrying her! wallbash

Okay, looking forward to part 10! It's going to be interesting to see Plois and Plark - all right, 1995 Lois and 1995 Clark - meet again after they have gotten to know the 1998 versions of each other!
