I don't usually start my own comments folders. But this time I have a number of people I want to thank, and to whom I'm extremely grateful. smile

This is my first long story since Carbon Copy, which was finished around a year ago. Since then, it felt as if I was incapable of writing anything longer than around 50 pages or so, and even difficult writing anything that long. Short stories for the most part were no problem, but while I'd started three or four stories which could all turn out to be long, I seemed to get blocked on them after a while.

So this story was difficult to write at times, since it was a process of getting over what seemed to be a case of writer's block. That's why, although I started out with two posts a week, my schedule slowed down to one a week, and then for a while even slower than that. Getting this finished feels like a major psychological hurdle passed.

And I owe thanks to a lot of people for helping me here. First, to all of you, who have been reading the story all along, or coming in at various stages, and posting wonderful and helpful feedback here or emailing me privately. Your comments have kept me going and reassured me that you really did like the story and wanted to read more. So thank you very much indeed. thumbsup

An even bigger thanks to two of my beta-readers, Kaethel and Annette. Kaethel is famous for her not-so-subtle hints, but also for a huge amount of enthusiasm and also for knowing just when to point out that I need to expand on something a little more. Annette is one of the best cheerleaders any fanfic writer could ask for, and it's such a morale-boost to go on IRC and be asked if I've written any more I can send her. Plus she was invaluable on a couple of US/UK language pointers. Thanks, you two! thumbsup

And finally, but far from least, my beta-reader-in-chief, Yvonne Connell, deserves the biggest thanks of all. Yvonne's stuck with me all the way through this story, diligently sent back sections as I wrote them, and nagged me about it even when I didn't want to be nagged. And all this when she was trying to write her own (fantastic) long story, too! Yvonne, you're a BR in a million. Thank you so much!! wave

And now, you may comment below if you wish. wink

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*