Congratulations, Wendy! A terrific tie-up to a wonderful story. Like others have said before me, I love how Lois helped save herself at the end; Mad Dog Lane will go down fighting. smile

And this was great... smile1
“What’s the problem, Lane?” the officer enquired, sounding distracted.

“It’s currently lying tied up on my apartment floor, actually,” she told him.
And of course I loved the entire waffy scene when Clark returned as Clark and they told each other that they loved each other. ::Very happy sighs:: But you knew that we'd all love that, didn't you... [Linked Image] There were so many romantic lines that it was hard to choose which to quote, but I had to pick something.
“Anyway, back to how amazing it is that we met, and we were both single... I think now that I’ve just been waiting for you. No other woman meant anything to me... because she wasn’t you.”

“You believe that everyone has a soulmate?” Lois asked.

“I don’t know. What I do know is this: if I can come to this planet from wherever I came from - maybe millions of miles away - and find the one woman I know I’ll love for the rest of my life, then there has to be a chance at happiness for everyone.”
Wonderful. A very enjoyable L&C voyage with you, and like everyone else I'm eagerly awaiting your next story (long or short).


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5