I’m very, very late responding to this thread, for which I apologise. frown Blame it on the aftermath of moving, and on a certain French visitor who was here for a week! <g> I really am very grateful for all your comments, particularly for the reasons I mentioned at the start of this thread.

Thanks to everyone who mentioned what Lois said to Henderson about the problem lying tied up on her apartment floor - glad you liked it, and also Lois and Henderson’s banter towards the story. smile Particularly you, Roger:
I'd pay to see a comedy act between Henderson and Lane. These guys are just hilarious together, both with the same dry wit. Sorry, Clark. You're just too much of a straight man.
I’m grinning from ear to ear!

Saskia, you make me blush:
I'm glad you got over your writer's block, this was one terrific story that goes right to my Kerth list (for as far as I have one then)
Awww! Thank you so much! And Kaethel too blush

Speaking of Kaethel (again <g>):
So... maybe I should start nagging for DBA now. Oops, wait, I've already started. Maybe I should continue then.
ROFL!!! All in good time. A certain evil writer got in first!! But, while I’m here, thank you for being such a terrific BR, nagger and cheerleader. You’re amazing!

Ahh... very nice. It's been great to read a long story from you again, Wendy. I love the shorter ones too, don't get me wrong, but a longer story just offers more scope...
<g> I’m working on it, Pam - and I could say the same to you! <g> I have a few longer stories as WIPs on my hard drive, and will try to get back to one of them very shortly.

Gabrielle, I’m not sure what you mean by this:
There is one thing that I would like alter and that is, could at least some the emotional tension between Lois and Clark be solved in the end?
I thought it was all solved; we’d had the ‘I love yous’ and lots of kisses and hugs, and as the story ends they’re a couple. Dating, at least, even if it’s far too soon for them to be thinking about anything else. Can you elaborate?

Pel... I’m speechless:
The story wasn't just about how two people meet, fall in love, and despite some other people's efforts, in the end they live 'happily ever after.'

For me, it was about how we find comfort in one another, how much we can learn and how a person is able to fill your sense of belonging, as we find a home in each other's hearts.

Love isn't about loving somebody despite of who he or she is, overlooking the weaknesses, pretending they don't exist - love is about loving somebody *because* of who they are, loving every part of that person. And if you're so lucky to experience that kind of love, as Lois and Clark did, your weaknesses become your strength as well, because they are a part of you.

We are all inspired in different ways, from different people, from what they tell us - but, as for myself, that is what touched me in particular, as it was described so beautifully in this story.
blush Now I’m blushing again! Thank you so much, both for this and for your wonderful emails with comments along the way. You are terrific! And I am so much looking forward to seeing you post that amazingly good story you’re writing. Hurry up and finish it!!

Thanks very much again to Kaethel, Karen, Saskia, Maria, Irene, Laura, Linda, Nan (I hope it’s gone!!), Tricia, Pam, Anna, Merry, Roger, Kathy, Sherry, Gabriele, Tank and Pelican. You’re all stars, IMO!!

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*