I thought it was all solved; we’d had the ‘I love yous’ and lots of kisses and hugs, and as the story ends they’re a couple. Dating, at least, even if it’s far too soon for them to be thinking about anything else. Can you elaborate?
I mean that the emotional tension between Clark and Lois was solved *too* early, in the chapters 24-25. After that, the story was a little too flat and it could have ended there.

The beginning of the story is *much* better than the end. There should be some big - preferably the biggest - problems in the end, also.

Could the main part of the conversation in the chapters 24-25 happen in the end? And Lex could escape earlier, so there would be suspension what he would do?

However, this is a wonderful story that I really like. Your Lois was amazing!
