Okay, this clearly hasn't had the benefit of my usual expert BR service, so I'll just check it over...

Well, there seems to be a scene missing at the end, Wendy, so I'll just sketch something in and you can work on it as you see fit.


He really must find out, one of these days, just what the rock was, and if there was any more of it. Who knew - maybe it could be useful.


Back at Lois Lane's apartment, the door bell was ringing loudly.

Someone banged on the door. "Ms Lane, I've come to fix your computer!" It was a woman's voice, a low, alto sound with just a hint of a Scottish lilt.

The door swung open, much to the surprise of the computer technician. Apparently someone had left it open, and her robust knock had been enough to push it ajar.

She stepped hesitantly inside. "Ms Lane?"

A terrible scene greeted her. A woman, presumably Ms Lane, lay bloody and dead on the carpet. Close by, a man in a red cape, blue tights and red boots also lay motionless on the floor.

"Oh, my God!" she exclaimed. "Clark Kent!"

She rushed over to the man. He was barely breathing. Immediately, she realised there must be kryptonite nearby.

"Clark!" she cried, shaking his shoulder. "Wake up! You have to get out of here!"

He stirred slowly. "What...?" He pushed himself up on one elbow. "Who...who's that?" he gasped, indicating the dead woman.

"I think that must be Ms Lane."

"Who?" he said, frowning. "I...I don't seem to remember..."

Clearly, the kryptonite had affected his memory. The computer technician tugged at his shoulder. "Never mind," she urged. "You have to get out of here right now!"

"But..." He obviously didn't want to abandon the dead woman without calling the appropriate authorities.

"It's okay, this is a Mary-Sue fantasy so the normal rules of decent behaviour don't apply," explained the computer technician.

"Oh, okay," he breathed.

She hauled him to his feet, and together they staggered out of the apartment. Almost immediately, he recovered a little, and by the time they were outside on the street, he was
able to walk on his own.

"So are you Mary-Sue?" he asked curiously.

"Um...well, I guess you can call me that for now," she replied. "We'll think of something better once you sweep me off my feet and marry me."

He gave her a hug. Her legs almost turned to jelly as his strong arms wrapped around her, but she managed to remain standing as he murmured, "Thank you for rescuing me, Mary-Sue. I don't know about sweeping and marrying, but those beautiful dark eyes of yours certainly are beguiling."

"Why, thank you, Clark," said the computer technician, as they walked down the street and into the sunset which had miraculously appeared despite the fact that it was nearly midnight.

"And did I mention that I have a thing for tall women?" he added.

The computer technician looked fondly at him from her lofty almost-five-foot-eleven-ness. "No, and I bet you didn't know I have a thing for guys who moonlight in tights."

"Gosh, Mary-Sue. It looks like we were made for each other," he said.

"Yes, Clark."

He stopped walking and turned to her, taking her hands in his. "If this is a fantasy, do you think it would be okay if I kissed you right now even though I hardly know you?"

"Oh, I think that would be acceptable," she said airily.

He gathered her into his arms, and very soon the computer technician was the happiest woman in the entire world of Folcdom.

The End