Hey, hey, hey!! What's this? What mess did you make? Lois is right that it's going to be bloody (no pun intended) difficult to get that carpet clean! Mind you, maybe it's a second-rate carpet and Lex doesn't care. But what's this about green-glowing bullets and getting my Clark (yes, *my* Clark) close to Lois when there's such a thing in her? This wasn't in the plan, Wendy! Besides, there's something missing! Yep, the last line is missing. Absolutely. Stop raising that eyebrow at me, I can see you! What about the following lines?

And then Kaethel arrived, dragged Clark away from the evil bullet, comforted him, and after a while (not too long because Kaethel isn't the best at patience) they got together, then engaged, then married, and they lived happily ever after. The end.

Oh, no, wait, another para is required:

Once he got tired of Mayson, Lex disappeared with his evilly glowing bullets; as it turned out, he had met a very cool (but still evil) woman called Elena, had fallen hopelessly in love with her, and decided to focus all his attention on reviving the Dr Tempus from Yvonne's "Misery" so that his beloved would be happy. The end.

There! All fixed! Now there's not even the need for the real ending. razz ) And finally the agonising pain that he felt, both physical and psychological, when he discovered Lois's body, and the evil explanation for Clark's physical agony. Pure evil! Worse than evil! There has to be a stronger word than "evil", and it fits! evil

All in all, another excellent one!

Kaethel smile (um... I was kidding when I said there was no need for the real ending, btw!)

- I'm your partner. I'm your friend.
- Is that what we are?
- Oh, you know what? I don't know what we are. We kiss and then we never talk about it. We nearly die frozen in each other's arms, but we never talk about it, so no, I got no clue what we are.

~ Rick Castle and Kate Beckett ~ Knockout ~