Dear FOLCs,

I hope I'm posting this in the right section. My name is Clark Kent. I'm from what you call the "alt-universe." I came across this site while searching for information about Lois Lane.

You may be wondering how I'm able to access this site, given that it's in a different universe from my own. I suspect it has something to do with the fact that this computer was built by STAR Labs and is connected to their network. I'm not entirely sure what they're doing, but apparently at least one of their projects involves dimensional travel. Quite likely time travel as well, since it's 1997 here and the date on your site is in 2003.

On the other hand, my research on your archive ( tells me that I'm not the first Metropolitan to visit your universe. There are documented visits from the Clark Kent and Lois Lane of another universe ("The Clark Letters") as well as Lex Luthor (now there's someone I'm glad I never met!) and many others ("The Lex Letters"). It's been a couple of years since then, I believe, but I see that H. G. Wells registered at this site a little more than a week before I did. So, with all those other visitors, maybe it's not STAR Labs tampering with the fabric of the universe, after all.

Well, however I got here, what I've seen has been of great interest.

First of all, I want to thank those of you who have helped others like me to find their respective Lois Lanes. It's a source of hope and inspiration, knowing that at least some of my counterparts have been united with their soul mates.

I know some of you don't believe in soul mates. Well, I'm not going to argue with you. All I can say is that, in my rather unique situation, I have no choice but to believe. Not just because of the evidence of Lois and Clark that I met, but because, without that belief, I'd be lost.

And that brings me to the main purpose of my visit: the search for "my" Lois. You FOLCs seem to possess a startling amount of information, not only about your own universe, but apparently many others, as well. So, I'd like to ask you a favour. If you know of anything that could help me find Lois, please respond to this message.

Here's what I know so far: Lois flew to the congo, following a lead on a gun-running story, on September 3rd, 1993. She said in her last communication that she had arrived and cleared customs, but was planning to use an assumed name from that point on. Customs has no record of her arrival, nor is there any record of her at the U.S. embassy. Some of the embassy staff did seem to be acting oddly, but that could well have been a reaction to my "celebrity" status rather than anything to do with Lois.

I tried searching the city and the surrounding countryside, but I've had no luck; there is too much territory to cover, too many people to scrutinise. Add to that the fact that it's been four years, and you can get a good idea of how difficult the search has been.

At this point, I'm not sure what to try. I'd be grateful for any suggestions or leads you might have. I'll look into them and let you know what happens.

In the meantime, if you have any questions for me, I'll be happy to answer them, or at least try. smile Unlike the other Clark Kent who visited your universe, I actually am Superman, and everyone in my world knows it.

I'll check back as my schedule and the tenuous connection between universes allow.


P.S. In case you're curious, yes, I am aware of the other message boards. I noticed, however, that upon signing up, I'd be given "Jimmy Oleson" status. You may find this silly, but I just wasn't prepared to take on the status of my old boss.

P.P.S. A note to Tank, in case he's reading this: Mr. Wilson, you may, if you help me find her, and if she agrees, cut Lois's hair. But please, don't blow off my leg or destroy my world or anything. Deal?

"Well, what he can't do, it doesn't matter. It's the idea of Superman. Someone to believe in. Someone to build a few hopes around. Whatever he can do, that's enough." - Lois Lane