Dear Mr. Kent,

Have you tried questioning the customs officials while wearing your civilian clothing? Without the Suit, they might not react to your celebrity status, but their reactions might be based upon knowing something about Ms. Lane's whereabouts or her fate upon arriving. I have a few guesses as to where she might be, but mine are mearly educated guesses and not hard facts.

I am in posession of knowledge of how at least two alternate versions of yourself found their Loises, but I have yet to discover where the Lois Lane of your universe is hiding. Give me time, and I may be able to check some of my more obscure sources for you. I think the Clark from the universe in which my "Forever and All Eternity" series takes place knows something, but it takes time to contact him. smile Not only is he in another universe from my own, but he is also currently living on New Krypton with Kiley--his and Lois's oldest child.

I also am in contact with Mr. Wells. He has helped me more than once, and I'm sure that I can talk him into divulging some information. Mr. Kent, I do believe in the concept of soulmates--perhaps not quite as Mr. Wells explained it, but I do. I believe that you *will* find her someday; just don't stop looking for her.

Best wishes in your quest,

Laura Davies aka. BrightFeather

“Rules only make sense if they are both kept and broken. Breaking the rule is one way of observing it.”
--Thomas Moore

"Keep an open mind, I always say. Drives sensible people mad, I know, but what did we ever get from sensible people? Not poetry or art or music, that's for sure."
--Charles de Lint, Someplace to Be Flying