Thank you for the responses so far. I can't tell you how good it feels to be able to talk about all this in the open. What with soul mates and other universes and everything, the story behind my search isn't exactly something I've wanted to spread. As you know, I can keep a secret when I have to, but I don't enjoy the necessity.

Here, though, I don't have to worry about those secrets. You FOLCs already know all about it. And you're helpful and supportive, too. I truly appreciate that.

Ms. Davies,

Thank you for the suggestion. I did go to the embassy in my "civilian clothes", but the problem is that I don't have a secret identity; Clark Kent is nearly as well-known as Superman. Now that you mention it, however, I could go back in disguise. Maybe that will help.

Thanks also for your efforts. So, you can communicate not only between universes but across inter-stellar distances, too? You FOLCs never cease to amaze.

I'm also grateful for your words of encouragement. And don't worry; I have no intention of giving up.

In response to your second post, please don't worry on that account, either. I assure you that I have no invasion plans in this dimension or any other (unless you count sneaking around the embassy). I'm shocked to hear that one of my counterparts has taken such an agressive turn. I wouldn't have thought it was in my... his... our (this is getting confusing) nature to do any such thing. I suppose the right circumstances (or, more properly, the wrong ones) can lead one to do just about anything.

I am sorry to hear about your injury. I hope it was not a result of your efforts to help me. My best wishes for your recovery.


I'm not sure how it works, but there are apparently several universes that split off sometime after I met the Lois from the other universe. That meeting and the subsequent one seem to be key points for some reason, much like the time in the other universe when a scientist brought several gangsters back from the dead. Worlds seem to branch out from those key points, each one unique.

Obviously, the universe you found, in which Clark Kent was killed, is not this one. I am pleased to hear, however, that the Lois of that world is safe and happy.


Strangely enough, I actually did look for "Wanda Detroit" in the local nightclubs. I came across the name a few times on the FOLC archives and decided it might be worth a try. I didn't find any sign of "Wanda," though; I suspect that may be due to the fact that the scenario played out in another universe. As I said to Tank, each branch seems to be unique.

Thank you for the warning about insidious city plumbing. When I do find Lois, I'll be sure to protect her from those aggressive fire hydrants.

I'm intrigued by your suggestion of Echo Canyon. I'll be sure to search it, but to my knowledge, there is nothing there but an abandoned shack. What makes you think Lois might be there, and what should I be looking for?

Mr. Wells,

I appreciate your efforts on my behalf, but please don't let me take too much time away from other universes in need.

I must admit that I never before realised the importance of Persian carpets to dimensional travel. Perhaps the Oriental rug in this room is what allows me to contact the FOLCs' universe. If you need a good Persian carpet, perhaps you should try "Ralph's Agora." The man may not be able to make Chinese food, but he does know his floor coverings.

As for FOLCs, I would not hasten to underestimate their knowledge and resourcefulness.

I will be wary of Tempus, but you should be doubly careful. From what I've seen, you've had more trouble with him than I.

Best of luck tidying up the other universes you've adopted into your care. Perhaps sometime you'll come across an alternate version of yourself. That might help expedite your work, if you can get yourself to be cooperative.


Thank you for your warm welcome. You're right that I don't like spying, but these are, as you indicated, desperate times. Maybe when I go back to the embassy in disguise, I'll take the opportunity to look around.

Phil and Gabriella,

Which Alt Clark am I? Well, I'm... me. I don't know what else to tell you. Perhaps Mr. Wells could give you some more information about my dimensional coordinates, but I'm afraid I don't know enough about "Multiversal Timeline Co-ordinates" or "universal quantum signature spectrums" to be of much help. I did meet the other Lois twice, as you say, so this universe must be one that split off after that key point.

Thank you for your help and encouragement. (I do seem to be saying that a lot, don't I? You FOLCs are the best!)

I'm heading off to the embassy now. I'll come back later to tell you how it went.


"Well, what he can't do, it doesn't matter. It's the idea of Superman. Someone to believe in. Someone to build a few hopes around. Whatever he can do, that's enough." - Lois Lane