Hello Clark.

I am pleased that you were able to make contact with us, even if it was for heart-wrenching circumstances. I hope you will continue to talk with us once you find Lois. And I firmly believe that you will find her.

I have a few suggestions that you might think about.

First of all, Lois may have chosen a different name for her novela persona. I know you might consider it intrusion of privacy to read it and find out...maybe you could have her sister, Lucy (if she has one in that universe) take a quick scan.

Also in looking though names in the congo, I suggest you pay close attention to any L L names. She seems to have an affinity for those letters.

And finally, I've been thinking, what about the HG Wells from your universe? Maybe we can find a way of contacting him. After all, it stands to reason that there is a Wells in each universe (no offense to the Wells on these boards).

Though if you can't find him, maybe our HG Wells will decide to travel back in time sometime in the future. That way his older self will be here now and able to help you...I suppose he never saw Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure...a nice time travel guide.

Wishing you good luck,


Trask: Does Superman have any telepathic powers?
Lois: (blushing) I hope not.