Dear Clark,

Don't count out Klein's pet rat! She could be the key to the whole mystery!

It's too bad that Bobby (Bass ... so that's his last night, huh?) couldn't be of more help. In other universes, he's often a very helpful resource for Lois and Clark during their investigations. But, of course, as a resident of Metropolis, he probably wouldn't have his ear to the ground in the Congo, which is really where you need the help.

As for Dan Scardino being a Miami Vice officer ... once I stopped laughing, I'm happy that he's found his nitche. wink

Oh, but you asked me a few days ago about Bill Church; sorry I didn't answer you sooner. Bill Church was the CEO of CostMart, but was discovered to be using his corporation to front Intergang. He has a son, Bill Junior (Billy), who ended up taking over for him after he had a heart attack and decided to go straight. You might want to ask Perry White about Bill or Billy, next time you see him ... in many universes, they were close at one time, with Perry even changing Billy's diapers when he was a baby! (No mention of how Alice felt about that, given that Perry was often too busy to help with their own two boys, but that's another story ...) If it does look like the Church family is involved, you might want to keep an eye out for a Mindy Church as well. But if she comes off as a ditzy blonde airhead, don't let your guard down! It's all an act.

I'm glad Bernard Klein is on the case; you might want to suggest he keep his eye on his partner, though. In nearly all universes we've explored, Claude ... well, let's just say his ethics aren't nearly as high as yours.

Keep us posted!
