
Great to hear that you are alive and well! I'm sure you'll be able to nail whoever it is that you were investigating. wink If you need any further assistance in tying up loose ends or gathering info, I'm sure Clark will be only too happy to help you out. I know that you are wary in trusting people, especially potential rivals, but Clark is one in a million. He can be trusted completely, and he's not one to steal a story.

My gun story's almost packed and my only problem now is to get out of this country I'm trapped in. Which is gonna be difficult once you know that all the travel routes leaving Congo head to Brazzaville... a very hazardous city for me.

It's 4.00 pm here. I'm at a excavation camp in the middle of a forest, where an archeologist send by the Guayaquil Anthropology Museum, let me use her laptop.
I am sure that Superman will be able to facilitate a resc...umm...provide safe transportation for you back to the US. He doesn't even have to bother with customs, and the ride will be much more comfortable than a stuffy airplane.

Clark, maybe you can stop by that museum she mentioned and find out where they sent the archeologist. That way you can find Lois without her having to say exactly where she is.

You might want to hurry though, who knows who else is reading this.

Warning to you both...keep your eyes open and don't let your guard down. Sometimes investigations are most dangerous at the end, when you think you've found out everything. Be careful.

Lois, especially keep a watch out for Tempus
[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]
He's a very evil man who wants nothing more than to destroy you and Clark.
Clark stopped the Tempus from our universe once, but who knows if he or the Tempus from your universe has anything to do with your current troubles.

Oh, the little guy in the first picture is Mr. Wells. He's a good guy wink

I'm not sure who exactly you are investigating, but if you need ideas of things to look into, feel free to ask and we can tell you things that happened in this universe. Things may not be exactly the same, but it could give you some ideas that could go other places. For example, there is..er...was a certain billionare in our universe who seemed quite the man of the people, but was infact behind many many illegal things.

Hope we are able to help you, and hope to hear more good news from you both soon.

-Breanna (who, while she's not from Smallville, is a Smallville Girl at heart.)

Trask: Does Superman have any telepathic powers?
Lois: (blushing) I hope not.