Dear FOLCs,

It's been quite a day.

Last night, Burn woke up to the sound of frantic squeaking. I think the rat was disturbed by the sound of the door hinges, but Burn insists that this isn't the first time his pet has helped him on a case. Whatever the reason, Burn was awoken just in time to catch Claude sneaking out of the apartment that he and Burn are using as a base of operations.

Burn followed him and caught him trying to break into Snell's office. It seems that Claude was prepared to risk the whole case just so he could get more credit for himself. Burn contacted Claude's superiors at Interpol, and they said they'd investigate.

With that done, Burn proceeded to grease the right palms to get official permission to search Snell's office. It seems that paperwork in the Congo must be filed with Franc notes, sometimes in triplicate. Documents in hand, Burn went to Snell's office and retrieved the incriminating files. I then flew him to Washington, DC, where a judge he knows reviewed the files and issued an arrest warrant. We flew back to Brazzaville and arrested Snell while he was still at the embassy, and thus on US soil.

Snell is now being questioned, and I've been assured that Lois is on the list of topics to discuss.


I'm surprised to see you mention the rat. If you've heard of her in this universe, maybe there is something to Burn's claims of her intelligence.

Yes, Bobby's last name is Bass. Combined with his eating habits and sideline as a police informant, it's earned him the unfortunate nickname "Largemouth."

Thanks for the information about Mr. Church. So that's what Intergang is! I've been hearing vague rumors, but haven't been able to find out too much. I'll have to pass this along to the nice people talking with Mr. Snell. I'll also talk to Mayor White and keep an eye out for the Churches.

You were certainly right about Claude. Thanks for the tip, even if it did happen to be a little late.

Mostly, though, I plan to stay in Brazzaville. I'm going to keep an eye out for Lois, as well as trying to keep track of both of Snell's offices. Hopefully I'll be able to find her before someone panics and goes after her.

I'll let you know how things turn out.


"Well, what he can't do, it doesn't matter. It's the idea of Superman. Someone to believe in. Someone to build a few hopes around. Whatever he can do, that's enough." - Lois Lane