
I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression. Mr. White is easy to talk to, but he's very busy. We are friends, but I feel that he has enough demands on his time and enough things to worry about without my adding to them.

Former President Presley is, indeed, alive in this universe. He is a close friend of Mr. White's and even came to speak at his mayoral inauguration.

I don't know if Lois has a laptop. If she does, she took it with her.

As to the gun problem, Mayor White and I have been working on it together. The process has been gradual, but we are seeing fewer guns on the streets of Metropolis. President Heston, however, has made it clear that he feels differently about the matter. I think his views are best summed up by the statement "gun control means using both hands."


Your suggestion of following Mr. Snell has paid off. I been watched him from the air when he left the embassy last night and discovered the location of his other office. I listened to him conduct some business and then searched it after he left. It looks like he's established a place for himself in the Brazzaville criminal underworld. He's involved in selling drugs and weapons as well as racketeering, and he seems to be expanding his business. Unfortunately, given the corrupt local government as well as the tricky legal issues involved with diplomatic immunity, I'm not sure what I can do about that.

On the other hand, I did discover some other papers of interest among his files. He has the official records of Lois's entry into the Congo and records of her attempts to contact home through the embassy. Those files were in a folder with some sheets purporting to be the official list of people killed in gun-related incidents in Metropolis in 1993 and 1994. The lists look right, but I noticed that the names "Eleanor Lane," "Samuel Lane," "Lucille Lane," "Perry White," and "James Oleson" had been surreptitiously added.

Any suggestions on how to proceed from here?


"Well, what he can't do, it doesn't matter. It's the idea of Superman. Someone to believe in. Someone to build a few hopes around. Whatever he can do, that's enough." - Lois Lane