Oh, Wendy, Wendy, Wendy. I distinctly remember forbidding you to start a poll like this on the boards. Or, wait, nevermind - I just told you that I would laugh like crazy when you did <G>.

I have read through these responses with great interest, and I have to say, you guys gave some pretty enlightening replies. Especially you, CC - yours had me cracking up! A G.P.P.? Awesome. goofy

Now, on the subject of grits, I have had them placed on my plate, but I can't remember ever having the courage to actually take a bite. Or maybe I did bite them once, and that was enough <g>. Either way, it's been a really long time. I do remember, however, that my grandparents used to eat them - and still do - fairly often. They like them with butter and a little salt and will tell you for a fact that grits are the key to a long and healthy life. Personally, I have my doubts, but hey, who I am to say?

Well, this poll confirms it. No topic too strange, no subject too off the wall for this board. I love that!

Tracey smile (who, as a Marylander, is constantly torn between the north and the south, and who does say y'all from time to time... as a result, of course, from her friendship with Annie <G>)