Now, since Sarah and Tracey are Southerners (just about)


Now, I know Maryland is technically below the Mason-Dixon line, but the thought of people from Maryland being classified as Southerners really cracks me up. (Especially Tracey and Sarah who love to pick on me about my supposed accent my use of the word y'all. <G>) I believe, technically, Maryland is now considered to be part of the "Mid-Atlantic States". It's not until you get to around Richmond that Virginia even becomes part of the South. Washington, DC certainly is not a "Southern" city (in the manner of Richmond, Raleigh, Atlanta, Birmingham, etc.)

To stay on topic, I have eaten grits many, many times, and while not one of my absolute favorite foods, I like them as much as any other breakfast food. As some of my fellow Southerners have pointed out, grits themselves taste like nothing, and the point is to load them up with good tasting thngs like butter and salt, or syrup or jelly. (Much like oatmeal, which I would never dream of eating plain.)


Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen