Well, I wouldn't take out the bath because a soothing soak after a long day (at work or at the gynm)can always come in handy. I mean, baths just feel so much more luxurious and they're the perfect remedy for stress!

That said, I don't take baths that often myself because I don't have the time and hate to scrub the tub after every use.

So! If you're positive that you're not ever going to have the time to take a bath or that you don't want to scrub a tub again, I'd suggest installing one of those fantastic "Mr. Burns-style" showers with a millions showerheads! (or two, at the very least) Those are great because you barely need to move in the shower, and they're so comfy! The only thing is, they also mean using twice the water (bad for the environment and your wallet because of the water bill). But before you install a short stall though, I'd consider the fact that stepping out of stalls is a lot colder than stepping out of a tub shower, and that can be quite unpleasant.

Anyway, take your time, good luck, and keep us posted!

Mirage smile

Clark: You're really high maintenance, aren't you?

Lois: Yes, but I'm worth it!