I had a traumatic shower experience as a child and took only baths (unless I was staying somewhere with no tub), until I was about 16 or 17 and finally overcame the fear. smile So I have thought a lot about this subject. I personally like to alternate... mostly showers, but with the occasional bath where I mostly just sit there. (Our tub is quite small, too small to stretch out in, my goal in life is to make enough money someday to have a place with a jacuzzi tub. Some people aim for an expensive car; I just want that. laugh )

There are pros and cons to both methods, according to things I've read over the years.


*You use/waste less water (so lower water bill, less waste)
*The warm water soaks your skin thoroughly, helping to remove dead skin cells
*Yes, you do have to essentially "sit in your own filth" but come on, it was touching you before, anyway. At least now it's coming off. And you can always take a quick rinse in the shower after you've soaked in the bath, if you have a shower/bath combo.


*Faster, more convenient
*Some think it gets you cleaner (but I don't think so.)
*You can wash your hair in them.

Personally, I could not be happy happy without BOTH. smile
