Okay, I could live with a shower only, but I would miss that bath.

Wendy is right to raise the question of how long are you likely to live in your property. Remember, your new bathroom will depreciate in value over time. In thirty years, a potential buyer is unlikely to care whether you have a bath or shower; (s)he'll be itching to rip it out, whatever.

If you, yourself, are going to get years of pleasure out of your shower, then go ahead and change your bathroom. If you think you are likely to sell in the next few years... well, I'd say consult with some estate agents first! (Better yet, Barclay's Bank have some data somewhere about the kinds of improvements / alterations that actually make a difference to the value of your property. I'm not sure how you get hold of it, though.)

The point you should bear in mind is this: what you like may not be to other people's tastes. Are you trying to make a rational investment decision, or are you trying to do something to please yourself. The two may not coincide. In fact, changes to a property, if sufficiently idiosyncratic, can lower its value.

Mind you, what you are suggesting is far less radical than something I saw on TV the other day. Somebody in London has redecorated his flat so that it looks like the Starship Enterprise inside (TNG version, in case anyone cares). I dread to think how he is going to sell that!

Does that help? Probably not. Sorry.
